
The particular moon we are experiencing right now is effecting many of us.  After having shared my concerns about the volatility of emotions and reactions to this moon many folks agreed yet others laughed as though I am crazy.  I stand true to the belief that people vibrating at a certain energy level same as that of Mother Earth are much more reactive to the cycles of the moon.  After all the moon affects the tides and our bodies are made up of 80% water, need I say more?


  1. Those who scoff lack true understanding. Those who understand are accepting. Those who are silent can learn.

  2. Warrior Poet Wisdom

    That’s a very thought-provoking connection, the moon, the tides and our bodies. Thanks for sharing.
    Peace & grace,

    • ann

      I’ve nominated you for the versatile blogger award! I believe you deserve this recognition! Blessings, Ann

  3. I think the moon brought us together. The moon has been on my mind a lot lately. I just returned home from a two week trip to Costa Rica where I participated in a one week yoga retreat. While in the yoga mecca of Nosara, I was introduced to moon bathing. My consciousness has been expanded and will continue to expand as I grow my knowledge and awareness of the lunar energies.

    • ann

      Your recent experience in Costa Risca sounds amazing, I hope that you’ll write more about it on your blog so I can learn more about “moon bathing”! I look forward to sharing back and forth– nothing happends by chance and I’m certain you are right that the moon helped bring us together! Namaste!

      • Thanks, Ann!! I’m so glad I revisited your blog and found these wonderful replies. Thank you for your encouraging words about my blog as well. I’m mentally drafting my next blogs. The ideas I’m working with ( 1 – examining a broken friendship through the laws of attraction and 2 – messages from my body) grew out of experiences and insights from my trip to CR. Stay tuned…

    • ann

      I’ve nominated you for the versatile blogger award! I believe you deserve this recognition! Blessings, Ann

  4. Wow! That’s a good point you make. I never thought about the correlation between the moon and our bodies. As you pointed out, if the moon has such an effect on bodies of water, it’s not beyond belief that it would also have an effect on us being that our bodies are mostly made up of water. Hmm…makes me wonder…

    • ann

      I’ve nominated you for the versatile blogger award! I have enjoyed your blog and believe you deserve this recognition! Blessings, Ann

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